Hello World!

and welcome to my small corner of the internett!

My name is Gerhard. I am an inventor currently based in Trondheim. My dream is to be able to live of my inventions and make the world a little more fun, whatever that means. I constantly have to manny projects and little time. I still feel quite overwhelmed and cunfuced after becomming human. The shift from nothingness has been a bit harsh. I am qurius of where this life will take me, and what I'l get to see along the way.

This will be an acout of that jurney.

Thanks for stopping by! ❤️

















Spotify stats



Instagram (unactive)



Bad at checking mail,

So maby send multiple...😅

My favorite books


by Carl Sagan

The Three-Body Problem

by Cixin Liu

(The whole series)

The Name Of The Wind

by Patrick Rothfuss

(The whole series)

The Way Of Kings

by Brandon Sanderson

(The whole series)

Brave New World

by Aldous Huxley

The Denial of Death

by Ernest Becker

Songs last listned to


song name

from: album

by: artist

Recomended works

This is not my own work, but rather intresting works by varius people that has shaped my philosophy and values in major ways.








Grabby aliens



Its all about me



The last question



Bitcoin whitepaper



Human Behavioral Biology



What made Apollo a sucsess?



Breakdown of the bicameral Mind


The works below are more controversial. It therefore must be taken with a healthy dose sceptizism. However their ideas are intresing and it's good food for thought. It shows diffrent ways of thinking, and porvides good insigts into diffrent value systems.


Maps of meaning



10 Taboo Questions



Industrial Society and It's Future
